Charlottes Web Summer Book Club


Charlottes Web Summer Book Club

Growing up I hated school. As an immigrant farm family, we moved from town to town following the farm seasons. My parents moved from Mexico to the U.S. in search of a better life and they did their very best to raise us, I’m grateful for their sacrifices and constant love. While in my early years of elementary, I was ahead of the class in the latter years of elementary school I was always behind. The constant moving made me hate the cycle of change. I hated the rushed mornings, I hated not feeling smart enough and barely passing, I hated feeling dumb. Sadly, learning was not a good experience for me until my college years where I learned so much about myself and the world.

Fast forward to today, I’ve learned to see the world through a different lens and I’m passionate about teaching my sons to love the gift and opportunity of learning! Throughout my homeschool journey, I’ve learned about the importance of reading aloud with my children and although we are done with 2nd grade we will continue learning through the summer. Learning should never end and reading aloud helps your child associate LOVE and LEARNING together.

Sooooo, I invite you to join my summer book club! Join us as we read the classic Charlotte’s Web!

Joining this book club is easy, here is what you should do:

  1. Tell me you are joining and post a story on IG to spread the word.

  2. Buy or check out the book at your local library.

  3. Starting July 6th start reading 1 chapter day. The chapters are small and if it’s too much for you don’t stress!

  4. Plan to meet twice a month to have a fun adventure.

    • The first gathering will be on a Farm - July

    • The second gathering will be at the Splash Pad - July

    • The last gathering will be at our home to watch the movie- August

  5. Check out this guide to help facilitate conversation within your family unit!

Easy peasy! Have any questions or comments, LMK!


Abby A.



Faith Based Apps for your kids

Reading the Bible is an important part of our lives. We wake up to a cup of coffee, worship music and an open Bible. We try to be the best we can be and we know that begins with God's word.

Like most kids, our boy wakes up bright and early and is ready to seize the day… So, I have a few faith-based apps ready for Jeremiah to engage in so that he too can be at his best.

Here are a few of my favorite apps for kids….

What are some of yours?


The Bible App for Kids

The Bible App for Kids helps them understand the overall story that the Bible is telling. Kid-friendly navigation helps them find and select whichever story they want, then reads it aloud to them in a friendly narrative style. Throughout each story, fun, interactive animations keep children engaged, and select stories even include games designed to help them learn, understand, and retain important Bible story concepts.


Parent Cue

Every parent has 936 weeks of influence from the time their child is born until they graduate. Parent Cue helps you count the weeks and connects you with practical things to read, do or say to help you engage with the heart of your child this week. Designed for parents of babies through high schoolers, these prompts will come in the form of videos and things to talk about in the morning, at meal time or while you are cuddling with your toddler or driving in the car. Each week there’s even a Phase Cue to help you understand the developmental phase your child is in today.

936 weeks. You don’t want to miss a single one.


The Bible ABC’s for Kids

"The Bible ABCs for Kids app is perfect for teaching your kids basic letters, writing, and familiarizing them with the most memorable characters in God's word.

Bible ABCs for Kids! let's your child learn their ABCs while discovering the Bible! Let your child enjoy tracing uppercase and lowercase letters while animated friends cheer them on! Reveal beautifully illustrated characters from the Bible!


Jesus Loves Me (Listener Kids)

Through this app you can watch the original animated music video for the song Jesus Loves Me.
Sing Along & record karaoke style to different remixes of the song "Jesus Loves Me" and share with your family and friends! Watch 6 animated shorts featuring Jack & Scarlett. They are teaching simple Bible verses pertaining to God's love in a fun, kid friendly format. Play a fun memory card matching game featuring the characters from the video.

What are some of your favorite apps? Comment below :)


Candy Sushi

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Candy Sushi

Homework, reading, dinner… snack time!

Check out the quick DIY snack you can do with you child!


  • Fruit roll up

  • Welchs Fruit Snack

  • Wafer Cookie or Rice Krispies Treat

Its easy…

  1. Cut two wafer cookies in half

  2. Wrap 5 inches of fruit roll up over the cookies

  3. Add Welch’s fruit snack on top

  4. Enjoy!

1 Comment

Apple Stamp Activity


Apple Stamp Activity

Apple stamping is a classic activity you probably did as a child, ahh the nostalgia.

One of my fondest memories as a child is tasing the various types of apples in class, after we tasted the apples we got to use our apples as a stamp to create designs! My 5 year old self was like ummm does my mom know you are doing this? It’s such a sweet memory I must repeat with my child, this activity is a little bit messy but one your child will surely remember!


  • Apples (cut in half)

  • Paint

  • Paper or Construction Paper

  • Markers

It’s very simple…

  1. Cut an apple in half

  2. Add paint to your apple

  3. Stamp apple on the paper of your choice

  4. Add personalization as desired


Xylophone Afterschool Snack


Xylophone Afterschool Snack

Afterschool we race home… backpacks, homework, showers, cuddle time and finally bedtime. Sound familiar? Somewhere in between we try to find quality time with our son and below is a quick and easy after school snack to help you do the same.

Supplies needed:

  • M&M’s

  • Grahm Crackers

  • Icing or Peanut Butter

  • Marshmallows

Surely a quick after school activity will help create a beautiful memory. What are some of your favorite after school snacks?
